Last full day, a walk, up the cable car, and some northern lights at the Charcoal mountain

The temperature dropped today and it was very clear – a great sign for spotting the aurora! So we had a relatively chilled day, taking a walk around the frozen lake that we had skied around a few days before. It was very quiet and beautiful, and of course freezing being in the Arctic Circle. After our obligatory afternoon doze to help us stay at half the night, we decided to venture across to the cable car. It was around about £45 for both of us and gave a stunning view and panorama of a dark and twinkly Tromsø. They have a stuffed lynx up there which is a site to behold in itself.

After hunting for the Northern Lights for quite a few hours, we came back to the Airbnb a bit deflated, that we haven’t seen any stronger displays and it was the last night.

We just so happened to bump into the Airbnb host who just so happened to ask us if we had seen the lights yet. When we said we’d only seen a very week display on the 19th he said tonight as a perfect night as it’s clear and cold. He proceeded to send me a pin point on Maps so that we could go directly to replace that always have them.

So with our hope restored, we sat back out into the everlasting night. It was only about a 15 minute drive away, Funnily enough! And no sooner we got there, we could tell that was a bit of hubbub. There were five of the cars and a jeep parked up. We only been waiting 10 minutes before I spotted a green plume of smoke emerge from the mountains, and people started cheering! Fantastic!

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