What is flat, green, and foggy?

And it’s not Kermit’s glasses! 

As we descend through the grey clouds from the first leg of our journey from Stansted to Iceland, a vast and extraordinarily flat terrain lay ahead, filled with muted earthy greens and dead grass beige. The airport looks rather…. Ugly for want of a better word, in only a way that a designer from times gone by could create! Boxy, dirty green, with strange brown and green huge ‘artistically placed’ windows upon one side. We alight the plane, to embark on the shortest bus journey ever! Once in the airport, we scout round all the nooks and crannies to see what there will be to do in our 2 hours. The interior is of dark slatted wood, with yet more earthy tones, and fairly bright lights. 

We go to the huge souvenir shop, which is full of everything puffin related you could ever wish for, and a lot of Norse themed item. After working out 180 Icelandic kronor is about £1, we grab a postcard and a mauve staetler fineliner (I’m hoping it comes in handy for drawing later!). The women at the counter are a down to earth humorous personality, and very friendly, and thank goodness, amazing English. I get a stamp, and they offer to also post it for me once written. Very kind! 

We searched around, now we had our new knowledge for the exchange rate, to work out which food place looked the best value for money and also nicest. We settled on XL New York style pizza, £5 a huge slice. The ‘Icelandic Diner’, was about £20 for chicken burger and chips! If it had of been Icelandic cuisine, I may have gone for it, but not for pub grub!   

Iceland from the decline (flight)
Sbarra pizza in Reykjavik airport

The puffin-full souvenir shop