Portland, Moxie, and a wave of tiredness

In the afternoon, we decide to take a 70min walk into Portland, taking us along a short stretch of road and a pretty little cove.

Once in Portland, I felt particularly knackered all of a sudden. We found a German beer garden, and had an overly salted version of a pretzel and relaxed for a while. We set back off and looked in a few shops, a bookshop and a Made in Maine shop. Really cute. I still can’t shake the tiredness, so we go into ‘gross’, an artisan dessert hipster far too cool restaurant. The music is an eclectic mix with some heavy prog metal, and trap. The walls are mainly bare brick and no ceiling plaster either, reminding me of my brother John’s rather adventurous house destruction/ renovation-to-be. I choose a coffee and a caramel chocolate cherry torte, that is the MOST pleasurable thing I have ever put in my mouth. I STILL couldn’t wake up though, so Saffron ordered us an Uber at 6pm ish and we head back to her home, so I can nap, while Leon and Saffron attempt to unblock some sort of pipe!

I struggled to drift off (maybe all the caffeine and sugary dessert I just ate, maybe hearing the pipe unblocking conversations), but eventually get to sleep. Leon then wakes me about 15min later, thinking I’ve had an hours sleep, grrr, frustrated! He leaves me again, and I eventually surface at 8.45pm, after a proper nap, and we have a lovely table picnic of all sorts on lovely little goodies, such as feta, antipasti, and papaya. We graze on this, and have chilled conversations for a few hours, before all getting ready to go to bed properly.