Buffalo NY, and a groundhog!

Our first stop today was Buffalo, to see the old buffalo central terminal. My great grandfather Reg, came here in the 60’s by train to trade leather goods! It’s a very cool old art deco building, sadly currently shut most of the time for renovations. Though they open for special occasion, and have an Eid event this weekend.

We park in an Aldi car park, and upon getting out, there is an older black chap in tatty clothes asking for a dollar. We have a 15 minute walk to the abandoned central terminal. Getting into the back streets, there are lots of lively characters, one young lady explaining how soft a certain area of her was. Maybe the inner arm? It felt quite impoverished and forgotten about, with junk chucked outside people’s homes in the street, and I have a memory of one of cousin Ian’s friends wandering off the beaten path in Florida and sadly getting shot to death. What a thought to flicker into my mind. Thanks brain.

Below are the pictures hastily taken of the intended building, and then stuffing my phone back away, while Googlemaps helpfully announces in the loudest poshest English accent where we need to walk next.

We take a different street back, to avoid the ‘soft parts’ woman, and see the illusive groundhog, that Saffron had mentioned to us in Portland that we may see! I can only describe it as a cross between a fat meerkat and a guinea pig. Very cute when it stood on hind legs when I called ‘beaver’ to it. I didn’t know it was a groundhog at this point. Thankfully, ‘soft parts’ woman didn’t suddenly appear!