On the road again…

From 10.30am-6pm, we travelled across an alarmingly small portion of the USA. I honestly thought we’d driven across half of the states. I zoomed out of Google maps and realise it’s less than an eighth!

I had earmarked Nichols rest stop, to mark the halfway spot. It had a loo, but was really just a ‘truck inspection point’. It had beautiful views though, less so beautiful toilets, though I doubt the ladies is used much.

One thing, American public loos… very public! I asked a friend Saffron why they were gaps all around the public doors so people could see in and very low doors as well that you could see over if 6ft/ a man walked in. It doesn’t make it feel like a very safe space. Apparently, it is to discourage drugs and sex in the loos. Great, so everyone has to suffer!

We drive along to the next stop on Google Maps that shows food. Dandy’s. I can tell you, there is nothing to Dandy about it! it seemed that everybody in there was miserable and looked very unhealthy. Stiff, worn out souls, that lost their joie de vivre. No one smiling or laughing. It was a bit depressing really, sad for them. But I got a tuna sub, in the attempt to have more fresh salad in it. Well, it was kind of fresh-ish salad.

Another hour and a half in, and we stopped at Dunkin’ Donuts. Again, more really miserable people. I think I prefer the over enthusiastic stereotypical American server than this!