
My blog has become a place of sanctuary. Knowing several pairs of kind eyes will be enthusiastically gee-ing us along from across the oceans. So I come back to this place at 3am, and I can’t sleep. My body has not accustomed itself to the new time. Leon is peacefully and rhythmically breathing in a deep slumber. And I sit with the glow of my screen.
I appear to have completely forgotten what I was going to write about.
I have swatted a few mozzys on the wall and drank some Ceylon tea (probably too late for the caffeine).
I have a few things going through my mind. One is, I am British. Possibly more proudly now than ever. After listening to tales from Marco from the socialist governments killings that I had NO IDEA about. 50 million people die from starvation in China when he was growing up and they just had one set of clothes! Also so many people executed under Mr Mole(? I think that is the name although could be the accent?) regime, he tells me he is as bad as Stalin or Hitler. And also hearing how Marco’s Pa fought in WW2 and the hours the Chinese have to work just to stay alive! I am kinda ashamed not to know these things. I am humbled yet again, by a human I would never have met or heard his many harrowing stories should I not have embarked upon this adventure of growth and exploration.
So yes, I am British. It is a good country. We do not starve or have one set of clothes for the vast majority. There is health care and shelter for those who are able to reach out.
On a side note, I love Yoga with Adriene on YouTube. She is adorable, vivacious and inspiring. I mean no insult, but I can no longer say Namaste at the end with her. I always feel fake and like it does not resonate. I shall search for a better word that I fully understand, but until then, will simply say thank you. I want to be more true to who I am and my own beliefs and understanding.
I have also had thoughts of shaving most of my hair for a charity that helps those poor Indian children and people with absolutely nothing. Although I would want to know it would go to the right people and not line some director’s pockets. I have always been sceptical since learning only a tiny percent often gets to the people who need it most. In fact, I think the tsunami was a great example of the money lining the pockets, in interest if nothing else, and it is all a bit squiffy. Ah well, it’s best to try to help than not at all, right?
Ah that’s what I was going to say! Uncle Simon hasn’t been to the Mow since we left and we may have some possible jolly news for him. Our lovely house sit cat lady, Jill in Paulerspury has asked us back, 12-27th Jan! I am yet to ask Leon, and to check Mum & Dad wouldn’t be mortally offended, but how amazing that she thought we did a good enough job to ask us back!!

Me stood on Marco's huge balcony with the palm trees in the background.

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