Chinese to a new level!

We have some new guests staying at Marco Polo B& B…. 3 Chinese men! They tell me in Shanghai, Chinese men can cook, and boy they can! And also they can drink us Brits under the table. They love hospitality and want to wait on ya hand and foot… first time I have ever been called a Shanghai Princess! They cooked us prawns, fish, rice, cucumber, and my oh my that does not do it justice. These people are mad in looking after us and it funnily enough, feels weird. I want to help! Please let me help! They ask what my job is and keep quoting and cheersing ‘manager’ to me! I laugh at first and then feels again, a bit strange.
It is an experience of a night, and they showed me how to dissect a crab to eat. These Chinese are noisy, slurpy, burpy eaters, and totally setting Leon’s mesophonia off ahaha! We have drunk 32 cans of beer with many a Chinese version of bottoms up. I must say, I loved tonight, and taught me alot about Shanghai eating culture. Privileged. BUT on clearing away, we want to HELP tidy! Please! But NO! They want us to sit and let the Sri Lankan Guy they have hired do it all. It sits all funny and I insist on helping pack away. It’s a cultural thing, I know.
Haha what a night and what an experience!

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