Chinese buffet… Leon’s social eating analysis

Oh boy, so our new friends from Shanghai have arrived with their driver (or escort?) in tow. The food was great, incredible and noisy … tbh those of you that know my issue , would know how awkwark the slurping and burping is to me, I find it disgusting, crass and rather infuriating!

So I managed to eat with these good guys , without inflicting hell upon them lol

But at the end of the night the Sri Lankan (wasi) was expected to clean up after us all. For this I was not all happy , this man who is now going to be away from his wife (saw wedding ring) for 10 days should knot be treated like a slave! We attempted to help but he did not want our help, as did our new friends(who told us to sit down)… this really ground my gears, I believe in respecting all people , no matter who they are, where they’re from or what they have

There’s a saying which says judge a person upon how they treat the lowest social classes , I believe this to be correct … and am glad that I held this stance this evening

Still an amazing evening, learning different cultures and traditions .. literally everyday brings something new and I’m looking forward to what tomorrow brings !

Ps I’m not really grumpy, I’m having a great time.. just I struggle with inequality , more so than I realized


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