Ooh funny how the winds change!

So we have landed in Singapore. After Leon’s run in with customs and I had to give him an elbow to shut up! There are some people it’s best just not to argue with, and a strict countrie’s police, is probably not his cleverest moment. It has put a bit of a mar on Singapore, and Leon has so far told customs he regrets coming here and they have ridiculous laws. We could have seriously got fined $20000 or he could have gone to jail for 12mth. I am glad we are out of there, and wish we were back in ‘Nam! Everything is England price again, and we get a taxi to the hotel. It’s a bit of a dive and nothing like the photos. People are not friendly and have zero customer service. It’s 6pm and we are just a having a crap coffee. Hahaha! Oh how the tide turns quickly on this journey.
Giant towers of plastic wrapped concrete, & I seriously hope this gets better. If not, well at least we will
Know just to transit next time.
I also found I have been scammed by a Facebook advert I clicked on just to found out the cost. They have robbed £99 from me! The arseholes.
The photo below is out of our 9th floor box of a room. You can see a blue sky littered with giant cranes belonging assumingly to the harbour. Disguising the harbour, are some ugly towers of glass offices.

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