Nacho Cheese!!

14.12.17 Firstly, Happy Birthday to the most zany & creative lady I know (actually prob a draw with Chops!), the outstandingly wonderful, Miss Tasmin Halward.

So after a bit of a delayed flight, we get into Cairns, and are stopping in a private Kermit green and paintbox blue room (woah a bit mental colour!). It’s called Calypso Backpackers and has a really chilled vibe and a quiz going on. We go to a very weird pub to grab something to eat. Cock & Bull. I spare them the story on how cock and Bull is from Stony Stratford. I think the tale would be wasted. Hanging on the walls, are massive dusty mounted big game heads and a lion. I feel repulsed. A yaks Head, some of the creatures I recognise from Woburn Safari. I prefer to see them running about. I drink my Sauvignon Blanc a bit quicker than I normally would, and the mountain of nachos turns up! Leon and I together couldn’t manage them all. They were the equivalent to £14 so I guess you should get a decent portion. The care of layering the cheese through the nachos is rather outstanding though.

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