
23.12.17 Plaza
Well yesterday, we went with Nanny Carol to the plaza, which is a multitude of supermarkets. I bought 4 fresh pairs of pants. Very exciting! At 2.30pm we went to meet the rest of Uncle Simon’s family, his brothers Mark & Craig, their wives and children, and also saw cousin Emily again for the 2nd time after about 10 years! She has an Oz accent now & is a grown up! One of their dogs is poorly with a UTI and the other one is so excited to have so many guests! It is so lovely to meet them all, and they are kind enough to invite us for Xmas Barbie! It does feel like Uncle Si will walk thru the door any moment. A strange sensation. His presence is somehow here through his families love.
Nanny Carol & Tony have a little Jack Russell puppy Tilly who is a sweet little thing. White with signs of brown spots which may come through as she gets older. She has multiple personalities and sometimes is scaredy dog and sometimes bananas, racing about like a loon.
We find out Cousin Emily & her hubby Callum got married in a place called Glenelg & the photos look gorgeous. Emily’s brother Ash who is away working down the mines, and his G/F Courtney, have left us their car, so we decide to do a few day trips ourselves. First driving abroad and first automatic. Leon is keen to take the wheel, so he drives us back to Carol & Tony’s,. He said it’s like a go kart, as has no gears.
I don’t have many photos of yesterday, so I leave you with a giant vegemite that is displaying the name Katie to show you can have your own name printed on a regular size jar!
By cat

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