Christmas day BBQ!

Christmas day BBQ!
Today! We have Christmas Day with Uncle Simon’s brothers who we haven’t met before. How kind and open that they have invited us. We know they will be friendly and welcoming, as they have to be, as Uncle Simon’s family!
It may seem strange I haven’t met my uncles family, but it’s because I’m blood related to his wife, Aunty Moo. I have quite a few of Simons relatives tell me how much I look and sound like Aunty Moo! Not the first or last time I will hear that 😘
Firstly, the kiddies open their gifts from Nanny Carol, and also Nanny Carol has thoughtfully got us a few lil souvenirs of Adelaide! The kids are quite overwhelmed by the quantity of presents, and have a pile to rival Toys R Us! They sit and play nicely together and we adults all have a chat to get to know one another.
Mark puts on an incredible BBQ with the assistance and military precision from the ladies of the household, and Callum taking the meat in.
Nanny Carol had made a legendary trifle & flan. Must be at least 3 of your five a day, right?
Grampy, or Tony to us, Craig and the kids have some scooter races which is hilarious! Leon, Callum & Mark have some darts matches, where we all test our mental arithmetic after a few whiskeys! We watch Paddington the film, and play with some scaled down wooden kitchen instruments complete with a pink wooden fraction cake, that splits into 6ths with velcro. Ingenious! The dogs get plenty of fuss and love, Jem the older black one, Winks at me in a photo, and Bella the chocolate one, nearly wags her arse off she is so happy and excited!
We have had a really lovely day and now ready to chill some more back at Nanny Carols.

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