ello sydney

ello sydney
So we left Adelaide at 1135 this morning(the flight was delayed), the pilot said that it could be a bit bumpy and we would be making multiple left turns… I always enjoy hearing the pre flight plan, it makes it clear that the pilot has this!

All was smooth until we began the approach, absolutely crazy turbulence while making steep left turns , landing was pretty smooth though, bravo!

I’d read that the public transport was good in Sydney so we took the train, by the time we got to the central station, a bit hungry we got out with the intention of finding food and the accommodation.

We found a quirky place called The Pumphouse, it was made more attractive with The Doors playing, Cat had s glass of house white, I went with a rather amazing craft beer, a marshmallow porter called stay puft ! We tucked in to a lovely pizza, I don’t remember The name but it was nice n spicy, awesome!

It was now 4pm, totally unaware where the time went, we headed to our Airbnb on Darling Harbour.

It’s a stunning place with a awesome balcony , I had a chat with our hosts while Cat cooled down.

I was like an excited puppy so we trotted off in the direction of what must be one of the most recognisable man made landmarks in the world, The Sydney Opéra House.

We walked around the harbour, it’s a lovely lively place, there was plenty of warmth from the evening sun … I’m really enjoying this winter sun, can’t help but smile!

We went through what I assume to be the financial district, we were getting pretty toasted when we saw the glimmer of a 7-11, Cat has grown quite fond of the Slurpies they sell, so we get nicely hydrated.

We seemed to be getting closer, I said to Cat that it’ll be here soon, went round a corner and there it was in all its glory!

it is instantly recognisable but it’s butt ugly, it looks like an building from a grim architectural era, that if it wasn’t so famous would probably be torn down

We sat on the bank looking at it and just chilling, Cat decided it looks like the boss from the first Mario game, as we walk towards it we decide to take photos with this eyesore of a building as a shell, marvellous!

Sydney’s. A great place, we found lots of little places .. an awesome huge crystal chandelier in a shopping centre, shopping street lined with funky lights and all manner other cool things..

We may go to Bondi tomorrow, or maybe Manly which people say is better, right now it’s all about the zzzzzzz’s

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