My friend, the red squirrel

Last night, we had a tasty meal at our fave restaurant, rosso bianco, and had alle panna tortolini followed by the most enormous slice of tiramisu! I just ate a third of it & that was plenty! I had a glass of prosecco with elder & mint, and leon had a beer.
When we got back, I booked us a hire car for 2 days, to go up into the black forest & see Triberg waterfalls. We also discussed driving to Lake Constance, and crossing over to Swiss territory.
This morning at breakfast, I saw a gleaming auburn creature, gracefully propelling itself across the lawns of crocus’, little robin, mummy blackbird, and some form of tits. Of course, I well up with a little tear, and start laughing at myself for being so soppy, and it probably looks a bit mental. But I don’t care. I’m so happy & love red squirrels so much. I think they may be my totem animal, as no other animal has this effect on me… oh yeah, apart from the sea turtles, but I had to choke that back or I would have drowned in my own happy tears, but what a way to go! (Probably hideous actually, but you have to see the poetry in it)

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