I love storms!

This morning (after the most EPIC sleep), I was woken thinking I was being papped! Flashes of light, like a camera, followed by the claps of thunder rolling through the skies. Something about storms makes me feel so charged, excited and cleansed…. And also apparently like shopping. So off we set to the nearest Lidl, some hour away to stock up on water, fruit & Greek yoghurt, for some staple breakfast items. The place had the most delicious bakery scents, and it was soooo hard not to load up on croissants. While stacking the boot, a beggar came up to Leon, pleading he was hungry, and Leon gave him a Lidl version of a kit Kat chunky.

Drivers in Rhodes are slow, but a little erratic and unpredictable. But slow enough for us to cope! We also drove through Falaraki, that looked like any touristy kind of strip, and we were glad it was a passing visit!

It was about 11.30am by now and Leon needed a proper coffee and I was having inklings of hangriness, so we pulled up at a cafe called ‘On the Road’. Initially the owner, a burly dark haired older chap, was a bit frosty, but when he realised we were eating, he softened and had a laugh with us.

We went back to our beach, and the storms made the sea very choppy and moody.

After which, we went for a dip in a bit of a cold pool!

We spent a bit of time chatting about what we may do for the rest of the time here and places we each fancied going to, and time trotted on. About 8pm, we decided to go for dinner. So getting ready, I’m doing my hair in the mirror, and Leon steps next to me and in the mirror, pulls the back half of his shorts and pants down to check if he has caught any colour yet. I playfully pat his milky white glute. I glance to my left, & realise the curtains are open and a full bus shelter has full display of us! oh dear hahaha! I guess they got to see a full moon tonight.

Lovely late night moussaka tonight

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