A land of ice, slate and auld lang syne

About 2 hours into the flight from Iceland to Boston, and the extra £39 window seat payed off! Breathtaking white soft tundra, pierced with jagged slate like mountains, between which smooth cascades of elephant skin-like snow carved down like a ski slope with a rather cold and watery end! Iced gems smattered in the sea, and I’m imagining what sort of creatures can endure such a hard landscape. Leon informs me it is Greenland, after looking at his flight radar map, and I wonder if I would see polar bears and penguins, or a whale. I suppose we are far too high up, but it doesn’t stop me searching! 

Greenland from the plane

Now while we are on this flight, the man sat next to Leon, looks more than a little like our old friend, Bidjan, who was Saffron and Roxanne’s Dad who passed nearly 2 years ago. The resemblance is so striking. I was fairly mesmerised by him. Even the way he held himself, very proud, as you would imagine someone holy would…

Later into the flight, I can see he is struggling to get comfy to sleep in the aisle spot, and he’s tried multiple ways and his head kept slipping. So I lean across Leon and ask if he’d like to sit where I am so he can lean against the window wall. He gestures that he is hard of hearing so I explain again. He explained no thank you, he doesn’t like to see out the window, so I think he misunderstands. But oh my gosh, to hear him talk, even the accent is similar. That was it for me, tears came! I desperately wanted to ask him if he was Persian, or if he was related, but realised with his hearing and the crowded plane, shouting about how I had a friend who had died that looked like him, may not be the wisest idea, and could even offend him if he was a different heritage. So I suppose I shall never know, but what a bizarre and uncanny experience, of all the people to sit near us.

Sneaky photo of not-Bidjan