The long road

We get back onto a road that we shall become very familiar with, the 401. It goes on forever, and sadly is not scenic as I’d hoped, and now, if we want to get to Niagara before it’s dark, we can’t stop anywhere. Driving 7.5hr with no breaks would be ridiculous, so after 4hr, we just take a 20min toilet/eat/stretch break at 4.30pm ish at a ‘truckers spa’ as Leon dubbed it, as it has showers for the blokes that stop there.

At 7.30pm, the sun is beginning to set, and we still have an hour to go.

Some may wonder why we didn’t break this stretch up more evenly. The reason was, we were meant to be meeting an old family friend in Niagara, and this point is the closest to him. So it gave him more choice and chance to see us. However, he is no longer meeting us. I think it will still be nice to spend 2 nights at Niagara, and give it the attention it deserves, and Leon will also have another day that he doesn’t have to drive.

We always knew this was a packed itinerary and a long drive, and I think it would have been much better if we’d stuck to the original plan with the 2hr intervals. Ah well, hindsight is a useless thing in this instance! Onwards!