Room mates on Fraser Island

In the evening, we were paired up with 2 ladies on separate journeys called Sarah and Heidi. Sarah, 28, originally from Wales but been in London since 10, so no accent, ditched her mega stressful lawyer job for an 8mth trip around the world. She looks and acts 90% the same as an old Brightonian friend, Emma Palmer! Doppelgänger! She is super chatty & lovely, even though she says she is very tired.
Heidi is a really sweet younger lady who is from Norway, studying international law in Oz, all at the expense of her country! She tells us of Norway’s systems and naturally get into far too much politics, but Norway really looks after its people! They cover all medical bills while any citizen is abroad too. After a really delicious hot buffet dinner, most people go for an unlit walk to the dingo infested beach. I choose to o catch up on my book for half hour of alone time. I really enjoy this, not having to talk or socialise for a small time. Don’t get me wrong, I love a chat but also value my own time. After 20 min my mind is running crazy again and I have full visions of Leon coming back with half his calf muscle missing, chewed and shredded bloody ligaments cascading from the open gash. Oh stop it, I tell myself. I love and hate my powerful imagination.

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